Review of Cheap

Cheap (2005)
Is it sleazy exploitation?...yes it is
26 September 2011
NOTE: This movie is only available on

Watching Brad Jones' CHEAP made me consider on either giving this zero points or the current points I have it now. This is a violent, vulgar, depraving, and ugly film but at the exact same time that is what is meant to be. Brad knows what movie he wants it to be and he goes all the way with his vision and that is sort of understanding that word "vision".

Nevertheless, I sort of enjoyed it, it's not offensive and tries not to moralize its story like most movies in this genre do. Not a single character in this movie has any redeeming values. One is a rapist and drug user, two are killers and enjoy it, one is the director conducting all this gruesome murders, and their cameraman is a child pornographer. That is a smart move on Brad's part not to go that route of morality and making characters redeemable. In the sick world we live in today, who knows what would happen. I honestly believe that something like this could happen.

So, three points will have to do with this movie.

PLOT: Movie begins with a two killers beating a woman to death while its being recorded on camera. Don't all good movies do? It then cuts to days before when a porn actress asking money from her manager Max Force (David Gobble) for her drug need. He rapes her in turn for the money. Subtle.

Then we meet Jack Stone (Jones) after having sex with the woman that was beaten to death in the opening he has an idea to make films that have never been done before. He hires two women (Carrie Jo Stucki and Jessica Stone) and his cameraman Manny (Nick Foster) to create a film. Of course, they are creating snuff films of the girls in mask murdering their victims in gruesome ways that I will not describe to you. That woman they beat to death in the movie has got it easy I'll give you only that.

They sell it to Force and it becomes popular online. However, Force's drug use starts going out of control and he ends up raping one of the girls. Stone and their girls then exact revenge on him.

Overall, CHEAP is what it wants and needs to be. There is a craft in the making of this movie despite being one of those shot on crappy video quality. I am aware of they have a term for it but I think IMDb will allowed me to say it so I'll keep at that.

The performance are not all strong but they do their best with the material they have. Jones and Gobble are the best in the movie which is not a surprise to me. And the soundtrack is a nice touch considering the subject material. In ways it reminded me of Dennis Hopper's EASY RIDER. Have no idea why happens sometimes.
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