Brings back a great series!
30 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
We all know "The Final Destination" AKA "Final Destination 4" was terrible and had a bad concept, "Final Destination 5" gladly does not. FD5 (Final Destination 5) brings back the suspense factor of the series, making none of the deaths predictable unlike previous films in the series. FD5 also has a few twist and turns along the way, making the film unpredictable. FD5 also has a great new concept (SPOILERS) where if you kill someone you take their life, meaning you can cheat death easier but you only live until the person that you killed would have died originally. The film also has a very unpredictable ending, which is appreciable.

Overall FD5 is a step up from the rest and if you liked the series you should like this and if you haven't seen any of the others this is a good one to start with as the story is explained well. Either way I recommend this. 6.5/7 out of 10
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