Terrible accent
30 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Great singing and dancing area feature of this film, as you would expect from Marisol, perhaps in her prime. And this is a nice film to watch if you are a Marisol (Pepa Flores) fan, and understand the Spanish culture of the period when her films were made. Every year a new Marisol film would show to Mothers what they wanted their daughters to be like, to young girls how they wanted to be, and to young boys that girls might not be too bad if they were all like Marisol.

The scene in which Robert Conrad and Marisol sing the song "Me Conformo" that was released as a record, is charming because it shows the couple being chaperoned and the couple not daring to hold hands, which though coy by modern standards was the way things were in Spain at the time. The chaperone then discreetly leaves them so that they can sing to each other in the street at night. But I wonder if it is also possible that the chaperone does not want to hear Conrad sing another song in Spanish with an undisguised American accent? His boyish good looks at the time make him an attractive love interest to Marisol but it is difficult to understand how Conrad convinced anyone in the production team that he could really speak Spanish or persuaded them that he should be allowed to try. And for me this spoils an otherwise enjoyable film.

The main plot of the story, where the Producer wants to find the girl who loses her shoe in the street, is confusing because we understand the dance that she performs is an imaginary daydream after she sees a bill board of the Dancer Antonio and therefore it is not clear what it is the Director is supposed to have seen that makes him want to find her.

But as a modern take on Cinderella, don't let these details spoil it for you; the scenes shared with the chimpanzee are amusing, and her friends, (actors that fans of Marisol films will recognizse instantly) who want to get on TV are endearing enough to make us frustrated and sorry when they decide to ignore the instructions and not turn up at the studio until the program is finished and thereby miss their opportunity.

But it all turns out fine in the end. Of course, for Marisol it always will.
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