Cheap, Boring and Completely Trivial.
2 October 2011
During my weekly search for unseen horror films, I happened upon this little "experiment in cinema" and after reading the IMDb reviews by some of it's viewers (almost all of which were favorable toward the picture), I decided to give it a watch.

Well, I am saddened to report that The Collingswood Story may be among the worst films I've ever seen (barring no genre). Everything about this movie was just flat poor... as a matter of fact, I am completely perplexed as to how this film received favorable reviews from anyone with at least one eye! Were the reviewers paid to leave those comments? Are they just overpraising this garbage to build-up the independent director? Did we even watch the same film?!?!?

There are more than ample pickings for things to criticize about the film, but I'll stick to the basic three: Acting, Setting, Plot...

Acting: All around, the cast was pretty stiff and unnatural. Reactions and line regurgitation were almost comical in their amateurish delivery. At no point did I ever believe the actors or buy the situation they were in whatsoever.

Setting: This film has a total of four stagnant fixed-cam sets (with exception to the long and pointless driving scenes)... all of which are as boring and unbelievable as the actors they surround. Basically, you're watching the web-cam broadcasts of four people you care absolutely nothing about and are expected to somehow be carried away in the story, taking no regard for ambient or environmental devices.

Plot: A couple separated by life rekindle their friendship by talking via web-cam that is somehow dialed with a touch-tone phone (however that works). In the process of conversing, an outside friend recommends a dial-up web-cam psychic who the couple may find entertaining and so they individually dial/connect/fax(?) her and each receive an ominous warning of a potentially fatal pairing between them... *yawn*. Yup, it's pretty much that lame throughout the whole of the movie; then to top things off, the pseudo-twist ending makes you wanna chuck your remote through the television.

So there you have it... an honest review by a person who wasn't paid to hype this hunk of trash. I watched it in it's entirety and completely wish I hadn't. If you don't believe the sincerity of this review, go watch it for yourself... but don't say I didn't warn you.
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