Seinfeld: The Jimmy (1995)
Season 6, Episode 18
"George is getting upset!"
4 October 2011
Season 6, Episode 18, "The Jimmy"

"The Jimmy" shows better than any other episode just how different season 6 was from seasons 4 and 5. While the earlier seasons relied heavily on the four main characters, the interactions between them in very limited settings, and their dealings with various social situations, season 6 began to rely on more supporting characters, more locations, more physical comedy and gags, and more outlandish situations.

None of which really takes anything away from the quality. While the scripts are less tight, the show is also less wordy and as a result constantly funny. "The Jimmy" is in fact one of the funniest Seinfeld episodes ever, Michael Richards and Jason Alexander are both in top form and Bryan Cranston makes yet another memorable appearance as jerkass dentist Tim Whatley. Classic.
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