The Body Farm (2011–2012)
"Old Fitzgerald had a farm,ee aye ee aye oh..............".
5 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
...and on that farm were a number of cadavers in varying stages of decomposition that the cameras linger over every week,whilst Ms Fitzgerald herself provides a commentary or perhaps mission statement explaining the philosophy of her group of distinctly odd scientists whose remit seems to be of the avenging angel persuasion rather than the independent expert witness that one might reasonably expect such specialists to be. Also distinctly odd is Mr K.Allen as the detective seemingly inserted amongst them in much the same way that reporters are inserted into armed forces units in a war zone. He is small and lairy but,of course,brilliant. Miss Fitzgerald plays the same role as she did in the infinitely superior "Waking the dead",but with no Mr T.Eve or Miss S.Johnson to play off falls rather flat I'm afraid. In the first episode which set the tone for the series so far we visited a room where pureed human flesh was spread over the walls like anaglipta and decaying corpses popped up in the most unexpected places. In the second,a junkie rent boy died whilst being buggered by his G.P. Such fun. One of the scientists is an Earth Mother type to bond with the disaffected yoof,another actually quite potty,talking to himself and watching old movies on his DVD player.Honestly,who dreams this stuff up?......Mr T.Eve,as executive co - producer step forward please. Now,repeat after me...""I'm sorry,I'll never do it again". Dust off your Supt.Boyd suit and send a nice email to Sue Johnson would be my advice.
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