Cruise of the Gods (2002 TV Movie)
Funny but cheap
8 October 2011
'Cruise of the Gods', the story of the fallen star of a cult TV program who goes on a "meet the fans" holiday has much to recommend it, mostly in the very funny jokes that pepper its script. Unfortuantly, it has a cheap feel that ultimately lets it down. This may seem strange, when the cult TV program that it features was cheap, and the cruise itself is also very unglamorous. But to satirise cheapness one has to be subtle; I'm not sure one can do it in a program that feels cheap itself. For while the gags are good, I couldn't quite believe in the world as portrayed. I've never been convinced by Steve Coogan as an actor (the more I see of him, the more I suspect his most famous creation Alan Partridge is at least semi-autobiographical), while Rob Brydon's character's contempt for the people around him seems overdone: logically, it doesn't make sense that he should be this proud. So watch this, and chuckle at the jokes; but don't expect to entirely lose the feeling of sit-com.
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