2012: Ice Age (2011 Video)
If I could give it a -10....
12 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
You may ask why I bother watching movies like this. It's kind of fun, actually. I didn't expect it to be good, but it's laughable. The creepy looking son who spends the whole movie saying "Dad, get us out of here!" The wife who spends the whole movie saying "Honey, get us out of here!" or the stupid questions they ask each other like "Is the iceberg moving fast?" and "do you see the iceberg? Is it gone?" I've never seen worse acting in my life, and my two year-old niece could have written better dialogue. OK, one of the worst scenes so far because I couldn't stand to finish watching it all in one sitting... Husband goes to find his wife at her job working for a senator. She has just walked out of the room after speaking with her boss and has a two minute conversation with her husband. Senator walks out of his office and they come face to face with him. "Oh, hello Senator!" she says. Who acts like that? Why do you say hello to someone as if you never expected to see them when you know they're in the next room and could walk out any time? It makes no sense. None of this movie makes sense. An iceberg moving 200 miles an hour? That is completely impossible. This goes down as one of the worst movies I have ever seen. It's one where you sit there wondering why they made it. Why did they spend money making this piece of garbage and why did they pick such bad actors and... you get the picture. If you like to make fun of really really bad movies, this is a winner. :-)
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