Perry Mason: The Case of the Prodigal Parent (1958)
Season 1, Episode 36
good watching
12 October 2011
This show starts out kind of slow but them hits high gear as a regular episode of the Perry mystery tour.

Along the way we see some classic actors that include Ann Doran (Claire Durell), Herbert Rudley (George Durell) and John Hoyt( Joseph Harrison) all were regular guest actors for many shows through out the 60's and 70's.

We can also tell we get the royal treatment as Fay Wray (Ethel Harrison) makes more or less a cameo in order to please the public.

Even watching Raymond Burr- we can tell that during filming of this episode that Ms Wray was treated with the utmost respect. Her duty to this show was slim but you would have never known since the entire show seemed to be finding her whereabouts. From what I get is that they worked around her one day schedule- making her feel like a queen for those nine lines.

Anyway this episode involves a family dispute which leads to a death. Plus throw in a child conceived out of wedlock and the mystery is afoot.

You also get to see Nancy Kulp (Sarah Winslow in this episode) which later plays Miss Hathaway in the "Beverly Hillbillies" doing her best, without make-up, begin her career as a 'plain Jane' no pun intended.

Good acting in this episode and a very good script. Season one is the best of the best as far as "Perry Mason" in concerned.
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