The Awakening (V) (2010)
Newflash: Netflix rate-hike not due to an improved rating algorithm
16 October 2011
I don't believe this merits another mass apology via mail, but I would be curious to read the mass detailed explanation email. I guess I am just echoing the other similar sentiments about being roped in by a "slightly"(when the example sentence in a spelling bee for the word would be "Chernobyl was slightly affected by a slightly under maintained nuclear reactor.") overrated horror flick. When you've exhausted Netflixs' international catalog down to at least 2.5 stars, it raises hopes, or it certainly did mine. The most interesting moment for me came during the credits when it was revealed one of the actors only looked like a high school classmate (barring a name change, which would have been highly presumptuous by any of this movie's cast members).
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