Horrific for all the wrong reasons
23 October 2011
So when I heard about 'Australia's most f*cked up indie film' it was clear to me from the start it would be a bit of a joke. Anything with that level of un-professionalism would undoubtedly not be anything worth writing home about, and of course I wasn't wrong. So just for laughs I rented it out with a friend and believe me when I say I was tempted to ask for my $5 back as it was not even worth $1.

From the very beginning the intentions of the movie are unclear. Actually, to be perfectly honest the entire movie made very little sense. Characters that had literally no importance in the movie had long, drawn out, pointless scenes that ended abruptly without any development or explanation and were not again revisited through the entire movie. In many parts it felt as though the disk was scratched or something as scenes cut and changed so abruptly and unnecessarily that we were left totally confused as to what was even going on.

As for the so called 'FX' there were literally none. All of the killing scenes used dodgy home made looking limbs that were pretty obviously made of silicone or something along those lines. I think the maker of the film must have known they weren't too crash hot though as all of the promised 'gore' was generally only flashed into view for a second or so and then back to the weirdo attacking it. I have seen that many other reviews already addressed the disastrous attempts at lighting and sound so I wont go into that however that really did add insult to injury.

The acting wasn't completely terrible, though 'Jonny' was the most annoying character of all time, but the rest did what they could with the lack of substance provided to them.

The script was probably the only horrific part of this movie. Almost every second word was explicit, and the word 'c**t' was even thrown in there a few times to really cross the line of Australian, and just plain, cheap, dirty, bogan, trash. The swearing was so unnecessary and didn't add any kind of substance or 'passion' to scenes at all. There were even multiple rape attempts throughout that were just poorly portrayed.

Overall, I am the most easily scared person and I usually end up behind a pillow during horror movies, so for me to be able to honestly say that I sat there squinting at the dark screen to try and work out what was going on without so much as even jumping or flinching once, really says something, which ultimately is what was really wrong with this 'horror' film; it was in no way scary or even gory at all. It was merely confusing, pointless and immensely boring. I had to force myself to sit through the whole thing. Don't waste your time or money on this film. I defiantly will not make the same mistake twice and torture myself with any of this guy's future 'work.' Without a doubt, the WORST movie I ever have, and I presume ever will, see in my life.
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