Boardwalk Empire: Gimcrack and Bunkum (2011)
Season 2, Episode 5
2.5 Rates ***
23 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
So, Jimmy fought World War 1 to preserve democracy. If you

believe that, then you also believe in the tooth fairy.

A violent episode, Jimmy shows how to deal with his enemies. In a knock down drag out fight, Nucky battles his own brother until Mrs. Schroeder proves that she can be quite an intimidating figure. She might even qualify for Annie Get Your Gun!

Richard contemplates suicide then winds up with 2 vagrants and a dog in the forest. What happened to those vagrants? Richard, so terribly disfigured, is really a very scary character in motion.

Nice to see the guy Tommy Jefferson in "Harry's Law" doubling as the attorney general in this show.
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