Another Goody Documentary in the Series
25 October 2011
Fatal Attraction: The Inside Story (2011)

*** 1/2 (out of 4)

Another very good documentary from the Biography Channel. This time out we take a look at the production of FATAL ATTARACTION, the 1987 thriller from director Adrian Lyne. Lyne, Michael Douglas, Glenn Close, Anne Archer, screenwriter James Dearden and producers Stan Jaffe and Sherry Lansing are on hand for interviews and really give one a great idea of all the trouble that went into the film. It's funny hearing how no studio wanted to do a film and then Paramount finally agreed to do it after the producers were able to get Brian DePalma attached to direct it. DePalma then backed out because he felt Douglas was the wrong person to play the lead. It's was also pretty funny seeing how much of a troubled director Lyne was and how many demands he had to make sure his "vision" made it to the screen. Another one of the big stories discussed here are the countless actresses who flat out turned down the part of Alex. The film shows a sheet with countless names on it with the word "pass" by their name and it was fun reading through this. It was also funny seeing how far Close had to go to actually get the part. Of course, the now notorious sex scenes are discussed with the two stars and director talking about what they were wanting to achieve and we even hear how the sink sex scene wasn't originally meant to be. I guess the one thing people debate the most about this film is the alternate ending that was cut shortly after the preview audience hated it. I've always enjoyed this ending even though it's clear that those buying movie tickets want to see more violence and action and less thought. Fans of the film are going to get some great stories here and like many of the other documentaries in the series this one does a terrific job at really giving you a complete idea of the film's history.
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