Review of 7aum Arivu

7aum Arivu (2011)
Expectation always hurts----7 aum arivu
27 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I went in with loads of expectations.Only to be disappointed after the first half an hour.Making a big budget movie(in terms of Tamil film industry) with big actors is really a huge burden.Murgadoss clearly succumbed to such a huge pressure.

It takes immense talent,hard work and more importantly the knack of creating what we really wanted to,rather than what others wanted to present a wholesome entertainer.I rate Shankar way above every Tamil director to give a humongous entertaining movie.Many have attempted it and I don't find anyone even coming close to him.

Now let us come to the movie.What did the director really wanted to convey?

-> The life history of Bodhidharma? -> To praise Tamil as a language and Culture?

Had he tried this whole-heartedly, I bet, the outcome would have been excellent and the viewers would have loved it.

I understand the time and efforts put by the director&co for the research on Bodhidharma and Tamil culture,genetic engineering,Bio war,China's intrusion and their motive.Every bit of this is true and the director can be lauded only for trying to bring all these within 160 odd minutes.Hard work only pays if it meets intelligence.

In spite of all these efforts,what the film viewer got was,

-> A normal commercial movie,leaving the first half an hour. -> Usual romance though the director tried trimming it as much as possible. -> Five..sorry four really unnecessary songs.The songs were really irritating.(yemma yemma was the worst of all.) -> A usual smart hero who plays with everyone,suddenly out of nowhere becomes patriotic and clever. -> Usual heroine,strictly with a non-tamil looks and accent,but glorifies tamil throughout the movie.(tolerable???) -> A suave anti-hero, less spoken, trying to speak with eyes!!! but tortures with his facial expressions.

The director has underestimated the film viewers which is a big disappointment for a normal film goer like me.Every second scene there is dialogue glorifying tamil.And every third scene there is a reference to Bodhidharma.It makes me wonder what such directors think of film viwers?

In short let us see the positives and negatives.

Positives: ->Bold try. ->Surya's efforts. ->Camera,editing

Negatives: ->Screenplay ->Songs && BGM ->Graphics(Car stunt sequence) ->Director's under estimation

Suggestion: -> Could have made the movie in two parts.It requires immense guts though,which no one has in Tamil industry. -> Never try to cheat film viewers in the name of culture,language etc etc.However intelligent you might be!!!!!
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