Decision (2012)
Over earnest, evangelical awfulness
29 October 2011
This recently aired on the GMC channel. They've become known for their family oriented, wholesome entertainment that features "Good Christian Values" This movie may have been "a bridge too far" in that regard. The message is very pro-family and pro-bible but is poorly written with characters that are more caricature than character. The foreshadowing is of the sledgehammer variety. e.g.The grandfather character is supposed to have a heart condition. That's made plain by his wincing and grabbing his chest repeatedly.

His testifying as to his Christianity seems way too artificial and for a "good Christian" to be estranged from his daughter as he is seemed unmotivated and artificial.

The dialogue was joltingly unmotivated in several key scenes (as well as just being badly written/delivered) It kept pulling me out of any willing suspension of disbelief that I'd managed to muster.

This portrait of family values was more like a finger-painting and without some of the flair for color found in the young.

While I liked the situations that were presented, their presentation left so much lacking as to make it unwatchable. I'll confess to fast forwarding through the most unsufferable parts and I may have missed something but overall, this lacked too much to make it worthwhile viewing.

I'm all in favor of wholesome entertainment and have watched a number of movies on this channel that were achingly heartfelt and perhaps a bit too over-earnest, but this one was just unwatchable.
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