Got more fright's from Micky's not so scary Halloween party.
29 October 2011
Dawn of the living Dead or Evil Grave curse of the Maya or whatever it's called is not much of a horror movie as it is a unintentional comedy with no rules. It more funny then scary Joe Estevez and Amanda Bauman play a couple who move into a house that once belonged to a Maya Indian family who were murdered. Renee{Bauman}hears voices of the little girl and see a purple sun it turns out the family are zombies who don't know they are dead because they were not buried the right way the killer just thew them in a ditch. Renee see's the purple sun multiply in a surreal scene and wants to help the family by giving them a Mayan burial Todd Briges of Different strokes is in a small role as a mentally challenged worker. This is a fun movie not to take seriously it's worth a look But a lot dosen't make any sense like the ending it not something to watch if you want to be scared.
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