Review of Changes

Changes (1969)
Dated, but also quite affecting
3 November 2011
While there's a lot about this film I can criticize; the low budget limitations, the badly dubbed dialogue (sections, not all through), and some pretentious, badly dated elements, it's one of the more interesting, beguiling films about being young and a sort-of rebel in the 60s I've seen.

More poetic than plot driven, with a minimum of dialogue, a young man goes on the road to find himself, and to forget a girlfriend who killed herself when he couldn't commit. He sees the country and has a fairly complex romance with a sexy southern woman a little older than himself.

A quiet, thoughtful film, with great songs (mostly by Tim Buckley). I kept wanting to dismiss this, but found I couldn't. Reviews from the time (a rave in The New York Times), talk about how great the widescreen photography is. Sadly, its only available on a murky 4:3 VHS transfer, and even that is very hard to find.
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