Mr. Bean: Do-It-Yourself Mr. Bean (1994)
Season 1, Episode 9
My nomination for the single most funny TV episode ever.
6 November 2011
When I was teaching, the day just before the kids went on the Christmas/New Years Break was a wasted day. Many of the kids weren't there and none of them wanted to do a lick of work. And, instead of fighting this, I usually made it a party day--a party day that also included this episode of Mr. Bean. And, if I didn't plan on showing "Do-It-Yourself Mr. Bean", the kids would practically demand it--even though they'd seen it the year before! And, oddly, the kids all became VERY quiet and sat enraptured--saying almost nothing during the entire show--they loved it that much. And often, kids from other classes heard I was showing it and begged their teachers to let them come and see it as well--and a sort of mini-holiday tradition was born. Why? Because quite simply it's hilarious--for all ages, races and personalities. I have NEVER seen a show that everyone seems to like if they just give it a chance.

As far as what this episode is about, I won't give a lot of explanation. After all, it would spoil it. Some topics covered is Mr. Bean's incredibly lame New Years party, his driving home New Years day with a recliner--even though he drives a Mini Cooper and painting his apartment. I know all this sounds dull but Rowan Atkinson manages to squeeze every bit of comedy out of it--making this one great laugh after another. You just have to see this for yourself--and if you do, you're doing yourself a favor.
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