Review of Margin Call

Margin Call (2011)
top flight, but not for the usual reasons
9 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I liked the movie, but that's because I've been an executive and a trader and immediately understood the implications, characters, motivations etc.

A junior analyst does some math and discovers a comet is about to hit them, they decide to let the peasants die so they can get out of the way, end of story.....

The real story, however, is yanking the veneer off the business so we the public can see how nonchalantly and arrogantly the people in real power in our country will devise a way to take money from us, then throw us to the wolves when it blows up.

That's why you've got a top flight cast doing this movie for nothing.

From that perspective it is a great look into what was probably happening at numerous firms involved in the MBS / CDO mess that started the current recession/ depression.

The casting was spot on for the various positions, their acting esp with regard to their motivations about money, career, and doing the right thing were pitch perfect....

So if you are looking for great acting showing what it was very probably like in real life, this movie delivers in a big way and includes a bunch of artful symbolism.

You guys should love it for being the truth it is.
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