Review of Red State

Red State (2011)
Very chilling, not for the faint of heart - I've seen and met people just like what is cast here in this film
12 November 2011
I know, there are many directing flaws here, particularly with the overly long preaching sermons given by the lunatic pastor in this story, but the story itself does bear some credence. The casting was well chosen, and they certainly lived up to the characters they portrayed.

The one take away comment I'll offer at this juncture is that this film is truly terrifying, is definitely not for the faint of heart, not because of excessive gratuitous violence and such, which there really is not that much of, but in the depiction of the scenario, culture and characters that are represented.

I have seen and met, first hand, lunatic nut case religious fanatics, which almost perfectly match what is presented in Red State, because I have traveled through and have spent some time in "red state" areas. As far as I'm concerned, this film has captured exactly what these types of areas and fanatical religious entities are like. Trust me on this one . . . been there, done that.

Maybe this entire film seems too over the top cliché', stereotypical over dramatization and simplistic rendering of this type of culture and its purveyors of bigotry and hate, but before one makes too hasty an evaluation along such lines, I would suggest you have not seen what I have.

Just for reference, I am not gay, and this is not what my commentary is about. My commentary is oriented toward the predatory social pathology of fanatical extremist religion, an unfortunately all too common form of a serious mental disorder with often horrific consequences which can be witnessed here, in the USA to this very day, in the 21st century.

As for other reviews here, yes there are flaws, and given the opportunity that this story could have provided for a truly great film, yes, it did fall a bit short. Having said that, however, this was not an overtly bad film either, and considering what is portrayed and how it was presented, I still grant Red State a fairly high rating.

There have certainly been far worse films with completely absurd, irrelevant stories which have received rave reviews, so I would advise a bit of caution in how some of the other reviews here should be taken.

Given all that . . . 7 stars for Red State
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