Different type of Perry Episode
15 November 2011
This is a different sort of Perry episode than we are use to seeing in the series. It happens in Mitternacht Switzerland, Paul and Della are not featured in this episode, there is no courtroom hearing and Perry is not lead counsel for the person accused of the crime. So this episode is more of an detective type show that we are accustom to seeing on TV today.

It begins with an army officer named Fred Ralston (Fred Vincent). He works on an army team that finds stolen treasures from the Nazi era. His family is also good friends with Perry Mason. And since Perry is in Europe (we also know this from the last episode), the family ask him to check on Fred and a girl named Greta Koning that Fred is going to marry.

There is a lake in Mitternacht that is believed to be a place where the Nazi's hid gold. And this is the investigation that Fred is working. However there are some other treasure hunters, lead by Dr Kleinman, that also wants to find the gold before the army. So they are working to raise the money to get the gold out of the lake.

Anyway Fred's supervisor ends up dead in his hotel room and Fred is holding the gun when Perry and Swits Inspector Hurt (Werner Klemperer from Hogan Heros fame) comes into the room.

Fred is never charged with the crime but could have been taking back to the army base in Germany but Perry intervenes to help find the murderer.

Near the end of the show another person is dead but due to quick thinking by Inspector Hurt, the person involved with the crime is caught.

The show is packed with dialog and characters. Really too many characters for this 52 minute fast pace show.. The treasure hunters along involve; a former movie star, an American businessman, a boat guy, a hotel owner, and Argentina business man, Dr Kleinman and his hitch-man. Everyone has dialog and at times it is difficult to keep track with all the people in the story. But the story holds together and comes across as a nice watch for the viewer.

At the end we also get a nice touching moment between Fred and Greta that makes the episode even nicer for the sentimental lovers in the world. Different from regular show but still better than most things on TV today.
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