Review of Conundrum

Star Trek: The Next Generation: Conundrum (1992)
Season 5, Episode 14
Very interesting dilemma
16 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
First off, there are plenty of plot holes if one wants to drill into that aspect of this episode. But I found the story interesting and my take on this episode was more about how the crew dealt with the 'conundrum'.

**Specific Spoiler** When they were trying to figure out what positions to take, and Worf took over, I found that funny, but also it works from a military view. Worf is instinctively tactical and protective and would be excellent to have in command during an emergency - he was the first to move forward and organize and although his plan was pretty much all about offense and defense it would serve just fine in such a situation and be completely appropriate during a command emergency. It might have been interesting to leave him in command and see how he responded to the less aggressive suggestions and viewpoints from the command team.

Only a series that had gone on this long could pull off an episode like this so well. It was very interesting watching the various people fall into their roles by nature - Riker overseeing and directing Ro, who was gung-ho, Geordi getting wrapped up in the computer/technical problems, Picard keeping a distance and trying to formulate an overall view of what was going on before taking any action that might add to the problems. This was very entertaining, but would not have been so if one didn't have a good familiarity with the crew from previous episodes.

I gave it a high rating because it was fun to see them find their place and eventually work out the mystery, and I was able to overlook some of the questionable aspects of the situation (such as 'memory wiping' being a good enough weapon to not need the Enterprise in the first place or having the tech to disable Data but not taking over as captain, etc..) All that aside, it was great to watch the crew come together by their very nature and overcoming the problem.
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