Really lame movie about a great plane
18 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I happen love unusual and iconic old aircraft, and this included the Howard Hughes "Hercules", a.k.a. "Spruce Goose", arguably the largest plane ever built (at least by wingspan). I have on video every film and documentary I know of that features it, so I had to get this movie, even though I know that Yogi and the 'gang' pretty much guaranteed that it would be lame beyond comprehension. What did anyone see on most of the Hanna-Barbera cartoons anyway, with the possible exception of the Flintstones (and that was entirely outclassed by ANYTHING the Warner studio churned out).

Well, Yogi and his unfunny, un-entertaining, boring, stupid friends go to Long Beach, California (NOT the Evergreen Aviation Museum in Oregon as one other reviewer states), so see the Spruce Goose. The plane was there at the time this film was made, but has since then been obtained by they cannot be blamed for causing this abomination to be created. Through nothing except random and boring bumbling around, they start her up and fly away. Somehow the plane is magical what that 'explains away' holes in the 'plot', but then suddenly un-magical when the writers decide they want to put it in danger of a crash or something. This is sloppy and uninspired screen writing at its lamest.

The plane itself is not all that badly drawn, and the film opens with a brief black and while clip of the actual plane being flown by Hughes; that is the only good part of the film and much better examples of actual plane footage can be seen in many other places that don't bore us and insult us. Granted, I am middle aged, but I still see the entertainment value in well-done kid's cartoons, and this turkey bores the young one in the house as badly as it does me.

Really, there is no justification to buy or watch this video unless, like me, you have an obsessive streak that makes you NEED to add it to a video collection for the sake of completeness (in my case, to have all Spruce Goose films).
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