another good George comedy
19 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This time George plays an ice man at a race track who is accused of stealing a wallet , at the track, by sir Charles Bailey play by Josh Ambler.He end up being chased out of the track and ends up on the train with Sir Charles Baileys Horse, Man Eater , who's wild and lost the race. He doesn't know that. George discovers he's a sweet Horse. The daughter of Sir Charles Bailey ,Monica played by Meriel Forbes, has given the horse to her friend to train, I think but I'm no sure Jimmy, played by Cyril Taylor, to train.But he's too wild. So When they discover George's in the horse car train and see that he can control the horse, they lie to him about the horse, so he can train him, Ge eventually meets the locals as he seeks a room to rent. The local police man, Seargent Johnson, played by George Carney, who is about to retire who gambles on horses and because of this daughter Ann portrayed by by Patrica Kirkwood, Of Band Wagon, 1940 and M.G.M. musical No leave, 1944 and could of played Annie in the stage version of Annie get your gun if she did not try to commit suicide just because no love no leave bombed,has to rent a room for extra money. George meet her mischievous brother too,like the scene where he has taken Ann to the fair and they are watching a flea circus and the brother puts fleas in Georges suit behind his back.The thieves , who actually stoled Sir Baileys pocket book, finds out that George is training that horse and he might win , cause they work for Baileys competitor. They pain to kidnap him , at the time of the race. When George finds out that he was mad horse.He get's scared of him , that Jimmy takes him to hypnotist to get him the courage to ride the horse. It works until ,right before the race some one hits him in the head and the two thieves try to keep him from the race, until he gets the courage. He ends up winning the race and Ann, 11/19/11
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