Surely this was meant as a joke?
19 November 2011
I bought this movie from Amazon. Why? Well because I am huge zombie aficionado and I just have to watch all things zombie, read all things zombie, and play all things zombie. With my zombie-interest, yeah I bump into a lot of dubious stuff, and "Zombie Apocalypse: Redemption" was hardly worth the effort, much less worth the money I paid for it.

Right from the very beginning when there was a very 1980's computer game-like background story scrolling up on the screen, you just know that you are in for a bad time. And true enough, the movie didn't fail to deliver on that hunch. Just that background story was utter nonsense in itself, and it was hard to buy into the events that apparently had transpired there.

The acting in the movie was halting and stagnant at best. It wasn't really coming off on the screen like people were having their hearts in the movie. And I can't really say that I remember any of the people in the movie from their performances. I just remember a single face, but that was because I saw him in "From Dusk till Dawn", can't recall his name though.

As for the zombies in the movie, well don't expect to be blown away by cool make-up or CGI effects. And I especially loved the fight scene at the camp, where the zombie actually lifted its arm and blocked a punch. Are you kidding me? Epic fail...

"Zombie Apocalypse: Redemption" was a slap in the face for me, and it is a zombie movie that will be bagged and tagged, slapped on the movie shelf and never watched again. It was actually so horrendous that I started zapping chapters to see if it was all equally boring and uninspiring; and it was. So I ended up turning off the movie, and I know I will never pop it back in the DVD player and see how it ended.

If you are a zombie aficionado like me, stay well clear of this zombie movie, because it is a disappointment. Sure, now I own it, and it is part of my ever-growing (and rotting, no offense) collection of zombie stuff. But the movie will never be more than just a filler on the shelf.
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