Kraft Suspense Theatre: A Cause of Anger (1964)
Season 1, Episode 19
A case of anger management
17 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** Unable to control his violent temper it's decided by his pop Sidney Harrow, Len Hendry, to have his young genius, who has a plus 180 IQ, 19 year-old son Ralph Harrow, Robert Crawford Jr, committed to a mental institution until he gets his head together. With ex-US Army MP Captain Andy Bastian,Brian Keith, behind the wheel Ralph is driven cross county from L.A to this state of the art Kansas mental institution together with his private nurse Linda Beaumont, Nancy Malone, going along for the ride.

Unknown to everyone but the sharp eyed and alert Andy Bastian there's someone following him Ralph and nurse Beaumont all the way from L.A for reasons God only knows. It's later after Ralph has one of his fits and sneaks out of the motel room, that he's staying with Andy and nurse Beaumont, that it becomes evident to Andy who's been tailing him on the road all this time after he left L.A. There's this trio of unsavory characters who are following Ralph and planning to kidnap him in order to shake down his rich pop for big bucks. Among this group is the floozy and a bit out of it, probably because lack of sleep, Myra Moran, Audrey Totter, who's masquerading around as Ralph's long lost, and possibly dead, mother!

Attending a party in town Ralph ends up too drunk to remember what happen there but is suspected in punching out and putting her into a coma pretty Native American girl Peggy Sue, Linda Dangcil, by busting her face in with his fists. It was Peggy Sue that Ralph met and got very friendly with just hours before at a Mexican restaurant where she works as as waitress! Andy who's no fool and had a good idea to what happened suspects that it was the barley sober Myra Moran and her two partners Skippy & Walker or Skip & Walk for short, Douglas Henderson & Robert Foulk, who've been tailing him all the way from L.A who's responsible for this outrage. That's when Peggy Sue interfered with their plan to kidnap Ralph at the party.

****SPOILER***After taking a knock on the head in the restaurant parking lot from Walker Andy gets together with local Arizona Indian policeman Cuero, Anthony Caruso, who just happened to be Peggy Sue's dad to track down the trio who by then had kidnapped both Ralph and nurse Beaumont. It didn't take much to find the trio of kidnappers and their victims and even less to convince Ralph that out and out drunk Myra Maron isn't his real mother. In fact Ralph knew that all along but, with his superhuman intelligence, just played along with her in order, in just how both dull and boring this "Kraft Suspense Theater" episode was, to have something to entertain himself with. Now with his head all cleared up even before he was treated for his paranoid mental condition Ralph can get back to normal not by being committed to that Kansas mental institution but by, as a future doctor and psychiatrist as well as brain surgeon, help those in it to overcome their own mental problems.
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