Review of Secrets

The Walking Dead: Secrets (2011)
Season 2, Episode 6
Walking Dead becomes The Waltons
22 November 2011
I loved the first series, but this series (2) is dreadful. The first was about survival, escape, being the last-people-on-earth, horror, suspense, chase scenes and excitement. It had great twists, good writing, and was fun to watch. You know, the stuff you expect from this genre. Now it's about about pregnancies, and inter-relationship hassles. Now that they are on a farm, I wouldn't be surprised to see this turning into a series about farming.

EVERYTHING that was good, no GREAT, about the first series is gone. In episode 5 for example, we had to the two main leads spending five minutes talking in a forest about girlfriends and sexual exploits from high school! Now I know characters need fleshing out, but it also needs to be relevant. I want to know that I'm being taken somewhere, not in circles leading nowhere. It seems like there's 30 minutes of bland filler in every episode now. Did they run out of money? Ideas? Where has the suspense gone? And I don't mean the 'soap opera' suspense about "Who is the father?" or "Will-they-won't-they?" Bring back the zombies, put in some more action of the type that is demanded, and necessary, of this genre, because it's in danger of leaving the genre behind and becoming The Waltons.

Series 1: 9/10 Series 2: 3/10
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