Dead Space 2 (2011 Video Game)
Dead Plot
26 November 2011
Dead Space was one of those games I happen to discover without knowing anything about it, and it happened to be one of the best experiences in gaming. It was genuinely scary, and the game seemed to get better and better as I progressed through the spaceship known as Ishimura. Then they came out with these animes that wasn't necessary and I never touched the game spin-offs.

Then when Dead Space 2 was announced, I was stoked. Then I finally got to play the game, and even though the tension was still there, it didn't quite live up to the original. Sure, it felt like Dead Space but the enemies were still the same as they were in the first one, which doesn't make it as scary, and the new ones they present just felt more ho-hum than anything else. To top it all off, the plot was lacking. In the first Dead Space, the main character Isaac is an engineer who only volunteered for the Ishimuru assignment because his girlfriend has gone missing. You see, that's a plot... you know, a goal. In Dead Space 2, you wake up at some space station called The Sprawl and all of a sudden these creatures have run amok and you have to destroy its source, The Marker (which was revealed at the end of the first one) and get out of there. That's pretty much it.

However, the game isn't boring and you'll be intrigued to see it through to the very end. Some plot twists occur and the final third of the game is very intense as they throw everything at you. However, the end boss is a joke and the ending felt like more of an afterthought. It was a fun experience, gameplay-wise, but as far as story goes, forget it.

But hey, I liked Dead Space 2 and I hope they make a third. I hope they take this to a new direction this time. Those necromorphs are getting old.
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