High Lonesome (1950)
This Coon should stay tree'd
28 November 2011
Purportedly High Lonesome was shot in color for the transoceanic company Eagle Lion Pictures. But all I saw was a pretty bad black and white print rented on Amazon.

John Drew Barrymore who with his sister Diana carried the most famous thespian name in America stars in this film playing a youthful loner type whom we just know as 'Cooncat'. In a part that Steve McQueen would have probably phoned in with a good performance, Barrymore plays a troubled youth who is a runaway from an abusive home in Texas. Unfortunately in his travels he walks into an area where a whole lot of unsolved murders are taking place and he gets good and tagged for them.

Not believing him, but taking him in anyway the better to keep an eye on him is rancher Basil Ruysdael with two pretty daughters, Lois Butler and Kristine Miller. Only Miller believes in Barrymore. In the end all is revealed as that Belgian sleuth was wont to say.

Poor Barrymore like Diana he did some unmemorable films for the most part, the pressure of the name a bit much to handle. High Lonesome is one of those films. Maybe the color might have helped, but I have to judge on the print available.
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