I can see why this one is rarely seen...
28 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This short is included in the Our Gang DVD set--the most comprehensive collection of their shorts available today. While it lacks most of their silent films, it does include their sound ones--including this rarity. Why is it rare? Well, because of the incredibly offensive character played by Stepin Fetchit--and it IS incredibly offensive and gross.

The first portion of the film is a very slow bit where Stepin and Farina Hoskins talk. As for Fetchit, I have never heard him talk slower or more addle-brained--and he's the epitome of the type of black character white folks loved to laugh at during this era. Apparently, dehumanizing a black guy was great fun. While I am not the most politically correct sort out there (for instance, I think the "Amos 'n Andy" TV show has been unfairly maligned and I am NOT in favor of anything impinging on our right to free speech), I can understand the studio's withdrawing the film from general circulation. Plus, on top of this, it just isn't funny.

As for the rest of the film, it really has nothing to do with the first portion. Wheezer and the gang decide to do some cooking and end up making a mess. After a while, Fetchit just wanders into the film and offers to help the kids clean up so 'Mary Ann won't get a whipping'. But, instead of helping the plumbing, electric, telephone and gas all get mixed up--complete with lots of sight gags--some of which are mildly funny. However, none of it is good enough to merit looking past the nasty parts. And, considering how much of it is cringe-worthy, I suggest you try another one of their films.
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