Deadgirl (2008)
STD: Sexually Transmitted Death...
30 November 2011
This is how to do indie horror the right way. The story starts off unassuming enough, with just enough off about the film for you to almost not notice. What follows slowly builds and builds on itself until you realize toward the end just how insane everything has gotten without the filmmakers smashing you over the head with all kinds of cues screaming "Look! See? This is crazy, right?!" For that, I applaud Sarmiento and Harel, who turn what is essentially a coming-of-age tale into one of the most awe-inspiring examples of low-budget horror I've ever seen. The leads are great and as soon as they discover the "dead" girl in the abandoned asylum, their true characters are revealed ingeniously through their interaction with the mysterious girl (played fantastically by a real trooper in Jenny Spain). The ending is a kicker but you can see it coming from a ways away, which is fine in this case. If you get a chance to see this, regardless of how, go out of your way to do so and I guarantee it will evoke a strong reaction out of you.
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