The day my brain wept...
30 November 2011
This is the worst big-budget Hollywood sci-fi film I've seen since, well, 20th Century Fox's last big budget sci-fi film. No surprise there. Amazingly, it has nothing to do with Keanu Reeves. He has his uses (and they are few) but he gets off clean here. No, the real culprits here are Scott Derrickson's complete lack of directing ability and Jaden Smith's (son of the Fresh Prince) atrocious and rage-inducing performance. John Cleese shows up to remind us all why he is awesome and then he's gone, leaving us with the rest of this suckfest. The humans in this movie do things so insanely stupid that I was rooting for Gort and Klaatu to stomp the ever-loving crap out of these chowderheads and blow Earth to smithereens. Anyone who thinks this is good sci-fi needs a reality check and a visit from my home lobotomy kit.
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