Food Matters (2008)
My favorite documentary thus far.
7 December 2011
I am in the natural health field, so I KNOW there is a HUGE difference between what is taught in the medical nutrition classes and what is taught in the natural nutrition classes. Now, colleges do not label their nutrition classes to be "medical nutrition", it just simply says "nutrition". But, I have taken nutrition in college and 50% of the information I heard was false, but I kept my mouth shut because the teacher is only teaching what SHE learned from HER medical nutrition teacher. So yes, the reviewer above thinks the documentary is propaganda just because they are basing it off what their personal knowledge is from the college they've been to. Trust me, my nutrition class talked about diet and vitamins, but it was so nonsensical that I couldn't believe that all the "to be" nurses in the class were buying to the information. Go to a holistic center (a REAL holistic center, not the medical ones trying to cover their ass and still receive money) and take a real course. Or even, if you are Christian read the BIBLE, and it will tell you to eat RAW fruits and vegetables and it will discuss that the people were vegan and vegetarian until the flood came and wiped out the vegetation, and only then did they begin to eat meat. This documentary is trying to bring you the truth. Why? Because they want YOU to be your own doctor, and they want YOU to do your own research, and not listen to everything you hear from your doctor. If that includes researching information you hear in this documentary SO BE IT! Do the research before you make your conclusions.

Now, my naturopathic teacher who taught me had a story. Her mother was dying in the hospital, and her doctor was trying to save her life with medication. My teacher had a book of medication and how they can interfere with each other, so when the doctor tried to recommend a new medication my teacher looked it up in the book and said, "It says here that these two medications can cause death". So the doctor took the book and started looking up what medication would be appropriate for her mother. Nothing saved her life of course, but the end of the story turns out like this: This medical doctor took a course with my NATUROPATHIC doctor, and told her "thank you so much. Working every day in the health field, you begin to lose sight of what is important. After many years of working here, I forgot how the body actually worked." So, if a medical doctor isn't told the absolute truth about vitamins or diet, and then loses sight of the REAL function of the body... What do you expect to happen to our people? If you are in the medical health field, do yourself a favor and don't bother watching this documentary. The medical field is not willing to compromise, and neither is the natural field. There really is no harmony between these dividing divisions. So, for those of you in the middle here, just watch the documentary and research the information for yourself. Don't strictly go by what the other reviewer said, and don't strictly go by what I say. YOU are your own doctor; YOU need to be responsible for YOUR OWN health; YOU need to do the research.
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