Zookeeper (2011)
This is a great comedy for us "normal" people!
9 December 2011
I've read some of the lower scored of the user reviews and I thought to myself, really? You guys must lack any sense of humor. This movie is funny and cute and great for kids! Albeit, there could have been a better cast of voices for the animals. Maybe casting Tim Allen, or James Earl Jones as the lion would have been an improvement. However, this movie still presents a good amount of laughs for us normal people, that doesn't over think things. This movie kept me interested from start to end! Not once did I wanna leave my seat to go get a drink. For any one wanting a good family laugh with a positive message, this is a good movie to watch. I can promise you this, your kids alone will laugh at the cute animals. Especially the monkey! Adam Sandler was a comical genius in this movie! Not to mention Kevin James as the lead role! He is a masterpiece in this! Don't let the reviews keep you from watching this great movie! You'll love it, I promise you! The people that rated this low, are biased in some sort of way. Maybe they hate cute and talking animals. I'm not sure, nonetheless this is a great movie. I hope you take my word for it and watch it if you haven't.
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