Far to Far-fetched to even rate
10 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I was at a friends house and he was watching this, After 15 minutes, surprised I lasted that long, I made an excuse to leave early. Other friends were not so lucky they got stuck watching the whole thing, they later rang and abused me for not giving them an out as well.. I will not even call it a MOVIE. The Machines, big ugly Gyroscopes, had no big effect to the show and should have been left out all together. From what they told me the Zombies were worst than the original George A. Romero's Night of the Living Dead zombies. The so called nanobots they kept talking about would have been more believable if they showed from time to time an internal view of a persons body as it slowly became the victim and thus lose control of their body, this would at least have given an insight to what the producer was trying to imply instead of one minute normal, next blood dripping from the eye sockets and chasing after blood.
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