A below par attempt
11 December 2011
The movie attempts to recreate the rape-revenge genre but really fails. What we get is lots and lots of sleaziness, failed puns and undeveloped characters. Not much light is shed on the lead characters, and all thats shown is pretty much predictable. The movie feels highly derived from 'Kill Bill' with dramatic soundtrack and a mute protagonist, but is nothing of that level. The agony of the victims is not depicted properly and the artists' are to blame for this. The settings & sets are good for the theme but somehow the weak dialogue delivery just blows the movie apart. The final revenge part of the movie is too small in length and you feel it could have been lengthier compared to the first half's sleazy extended run. The extended nudity could have been easily trimmed down and instead used to show some in depth briefing of the character's feelings and turmoils. Ultimately it's a nudity fest with failed everything else.
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