27 Missing Kisses (2000)
13 December 2011
27 Missing Kisses is the tale of a young girl moving into an isolated town. Like all isolated towns, everyone is a bit stuck up. The journey of our protagonist is, in some way, to liberate these simple folks and educate them on the world outside. Everyone is prudent, at least on the outside, and Sibylla's outgoing and sexualised view of the world is shocking. Her attitude is frowned upon by the town, but secretly lusted after by the males. After the release of the movie Emmanuelle, everyone shows their hypocrisy by engaging in sexual antics. The film was rather hard to enjoy. It was a bizarre fantastical comedy, but with all its quirks and charm it was never really likable or interesting. Some points were just downright confusing. I finished the movie feeling absolutely nothing for anybody on screen, but was still annoyed at how they all seemed bent on ruining each others lives. It was like Amelie, but a boring and heartless version.
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