A trainwreck. Movie about buffoonery, not Sherlock Holmes. Should have called it buffoonic Captain Britannica
14 December 2011
There is an uneasy vibe one gets from the trailer of the new Sherlock Holmes movie, a vibe that the movie might suck and dear god does it suck and suck hard. Where do I start? The awful grating British accent of Downey which falls apart in that sped up, manic tone that Sherlock Holmes has throughout the movie or the super-hero Sherlock Holmes that can do the entire Jackie Chan routine in his head or that the entire plot is dumb as a rock, especially for a movie with the words Sherlock Holmes in its title.

The movie does feel high budget. There are expensive looking shots and special effects that litter the movie as the Europe-trotting duo go on their adventure. However, the main theme of the movie is costumed buffoonery - Holmes disguises himself as a woman (for some weak plot points), Watson has a bachelor party, Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson squabble like an old couple while we get bombarded with a bevy of unlikable buffoons like Holmes' brother and a squawky Prof Moriatry. All of this buffoonery going on in a paper thin plot, a plot that feels like its been lifted from Captain America; Germans and weapons. Captain American Britannica would be a more accurate title than Sherlock Holmes.

There are bombings because it seems like they had a budget for a bomb exploding and wanted some costumed bomb explosions. The plot doesn't tell a story but more like puts all the set-pieces into a time line. This is a movie to avoid unless you can forget all the annoying problems with movie and go watch it for the explosions.
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