Supernatural: Two Minutes to Midnight (2010)
Season 5, Episode 21
An amazing Prefinale
16 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I give this episode a perfect 10, simply because of an amazing guest star Julian Richings as Death, of course the acting and directing were great but it is not something new on Supernatural. After an amazing entry for Death, beautifully directed with the great well chosen track Jennifer Titus's "O Death,", Julian Richings delivered a great performance as the most intimidating Horseman, he was also an unexpected ally to the Team Free Will. He gave Dean the hard choice either to save the world or choose his brother.

That choice leaves us thinking about the tough end the brothers are facing when no one will be left to win. Dean is angry with Sam for ever thinking about saying Yes to the Devil and now he promised Death he will allow his brother to jump in the bit even if he didn't intend to keep his promise. Dean knows that his brother is the only one who can do it, but will he choose the world over his little Sammy? If Dean didn't fulfil his promise, what do you think will happen to that who lies in the face of Death? something nasty I guess, and the world will end badly. On the other hand if he chooses to let his brother do it he will end up loosing the most precious person in his entire life, he will end up loosing himself.

As for Sam, He will end up being killed by Michael or doomed to an eternity of torture in the Hell cage with the Devil himself, Of course needless to say the painful terrified look on his face when Castiel mentioned the need for drinking the daemon blood again. (But Sam, I like Bobby was proud of you when you stepped out and took the lead saving people in the warehouse, I know you can do it I know you can beat the Devil)

Cas has already lost everything, He may have found a new faith in the Winchester brothers but he lost his Angel mojo and became incredibly Human. He is a rebel not joining either team, Heaven of Hell and he will be left to face the rage of the winning team later. (On the up side He got to save the Winchesters from Pestilence and use firearms for a change)

Then there is Bobby, he might have regained his ability to walk but he already sold his soul to Crowley and even if Crowley was true to his word (and I strongly doubt it) and give it back, He will be left to face a world without his surrogate sons, the only family he has left in life. If it was tough for him to lose Dean before, Just think how would it be for him to lose both now. (Taking into consideration that Dean will never be the same if he loses his brother)

Finally there is Crowley, the unreliable ally to the team. He seems to be carefully weighing his options, betting on the team but making deals with others in the process. His hint about Pizza before taking Dean to Death and Death Intel on Sam's plans (which I strongly think it was Crowley who told him about it in the first place) and his hint to Dean that he had to wait for him to come, made everything clear that the daemon is already having a plan B in case everything goes down the sewers.

Matt Frewer was terrific as Pestilence and he deserved more on screen time but I guess the audience wouldn't stand any more disgusting scenes and he was cool with his "Hmm, you boys don't look well... It might be the Scarlet Fever, or the meningitis, oh... or the syphilis."
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