Seraphine (2008)
I appreciate how the film gives the whole story.
21 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
When it comes to historical films, I am one of the most critical people you'll find. That's because as a retired history teacher, I often notice that films often re-write history to make a good story. A good example is "Julie and Julia"--a film that whitewashes one of the protagonists (Julie) to make a sweet story. So, when a film gets the story right--telling the WHOLE story--I really appreciate it.

"Séraphine" is the unusual and tragic story of a strange figure in the art world, Séraphine Louis. She was an untrained middle-aged domestic worker who has a mission from God--to paint, paint, paint. But she was not painting to sell her work--she was painting because voices told her she MUST paint. Eventually, she was discovered by a German art dealer--but WWI intervened and her whereabouts were lost for over a decade. What happens next is very exciting and very, very tragic. I'd say more, but don't want to ruin the film. But what I will say is that if you want a nice, happy ending, then you should probably NOT see this film.

This is a very slow film. This is NOT a negative thing--I liked how the film slowly unfolded. But I mention this because I cannot imagine the average viewer enjoying this film--or at least someone who wants a traditional Hollywood style film. But, if you are willing to sit back and watch, it's well worth your time.
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