A real obscurity!
27 December 2011
"Double Nickels" has been all but forgotten since its theatrical release. It has been seldom shown on television, I've only come across one movie reference book that mentions it over the years, and it never got a home video release until its copyright ran out several years ago, prompting cheapo DVD companies to find battered prints and release it. Seeing it, it's easy to see why it's drifted into obscurity. To be fair, some of the dialogue scenes have an effective natural feel, like the movie is a documentary and we are peeking into the lives of real people. But I'm hard pressed to think about anything else positive about this movie. There is barely a plot, with the movie often progressing like the filmmakers are making it up as they go along. And the vehicular scenes are incredibly boring when they should be exciting. The closing credits thank H. B. Halicki, the creative force behind the drive-in classic "Gone In 60 Seconds". Had he directed this movie, I'm sure the movie would have been better, at least with the vehicular scenes.
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