STILL An Awful, Derivative, Amateurish Mess
27 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
POSTSCRIPT: In re-reading the review for this piece of crap I noted a sad attempt by the alleged filmmakers to raise the score. Offering scungilli and a cannoli as a reward, they drafted a few cronies to write reviews to falsely raise the rating. Check: the review dates (most within a week); the similarly illiterate style ("Modern day people"? Mean contemporary society?); how many other reviews the 'reviewers' wrote. HOLY COW!!! Only ONE. They came out of the woodwork to write one review and retreat back into the night? Sure, that can happen. (Hilarity ensues when checking the filmmakers, er, reviewers Profiles. 'They' all signed up within a month or two.)

Filmmakers, your film stinks. Man Up.

And now the original review:

The barely serviceable talents of Paul Borghese are wasted in this flaccid melodrama with ideas 'borrowed' from too many films to name. The direction and script are strictly amateur (read the synopsis for a preview of the pseudo-intellectual, turgid style - not to mention typos and incorrect verb-subject agreement).

What could have been an interesting take on redemption is a talky, self-important production with all the appeal of day old pasta. The richness of Italian-American life lost in a mire of cliché-ridden scenes offering little real emotion save audience ennui.

Opera offers epic scale to minute human emotions. This ego production, probably well-meaning, strives for operatic greatness yet by the time the fat lady sings the viewer, in lieu of being uplifted, is left grateful the torture is over.

It's a shame wannabe auteurs fail to take time to look outside themselves and seek help from professionals who could have helped tweak the script. Or hire a Director with some chops. (Take a look at the clip on the official website for a sample of the locked down, incredibly bad camera blocking when a waiter is placed between the lead and the camera.) At least this 'Independent Filmmaker' didn't churn out another crappy horror movie. At least not intentionally.
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