'Sheba, Baby' (1975)
WAY too tame
29 December 2011
Sheba Shayne (Pam Grier) returns to her hometown to help her father fight mobsters. Her father is killed by them and Sheba sets out to avenge him.

Grier had two other similar movies like this--"Foxy Brown" and "Coffy". They were hilariously over the top, VERY R rated and full of nudity and extreme violence. This is rated PG and far too tame. Yeah, there's action but it's all kept down to a PG level. The script is terrible which doesn't help matters. The other two had bad scripts too but threw in enough extreme violence to keep you interested. Here it's just boring. The plotting is by the numbers and the movie seems to drag. Grier is wonderful (as always) but she can't save such a terrible movie. For Pam Grier completists only.
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