The Idea Goes Three Steps Beyond "Terrible."
29 December 2011
For one, the movie is entirely clichéd. For two, (I have to admit) I am grateful that it is only a "scifi," because if it were actually based off any real things, I would be a thousand times more insulted than I am, by merely the photo-work. The old zombie-like appearance is so far overdone that it has been done literally to death. On top of that, the acting, as I have seen, even in the commercials is so horrible, and the "special effects" are just as bad, that a child in grade school could have done better.

Frankly, "The Shadow Walkers" is an insult to me, personally, to others who really ARE Shadow Walkers, and even to the very intelligence of those who watch the movie. I have seen better acting and "special effects" out of a Rob Zombie film. In the least, for a movie like this, the creators could have chosen another name for it, instead of picking something out which obviously has nothing to do with the idea behind the movie, let alone what they call "special effects." The movie doesn't even depict what a real Shadow Walker is, let alone does it have a decent storyline.

To be blunt, this movie should never have been made.
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