The third of four...
30 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This is the third of four mini-documentaries that actually make up one long documentary about the making of "The Great Escape"--one of the better war movies. "The Flight to Freedom" has to do mostly with what happened to the escaped prisoners and how it differed from the film's accounts. Like the film, it talks about the murder of 50 of the men but this short also points out that this portion of the film is a bit inaccurate because the men were not all killed en masse. Another mistake (a biggie) concerned Steve McQueen. First, there were no Americans in the escape. Second, McQueen was really, really keen on doing motorcycle stunts--even though there is zero evidence anything like this occurred in real life. Well, I guess that's artistic license. And, an interesting little film overall and a nice addition to disc two of "The Great Escape".
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