Not worth reviewing
1 January 2012
I said "Not worth reviewing" for a reason. The reason is: I couldn't think of anything of value to say, be it good or bad. My mind was blank as I sat here. I was trying to think, but nothing happened (Thanks, Curley) What possessed anyone to (re)make a movie of this caliber? "Caliber" as in Smokey and the Bandit being a 10 gage shotgun and this farce being a bb gun. What were they thinking? We expected to see the clam chowder run and got a knocked-up elephant. Grim acting, weak plot line, painful jokes all added up to this movie. When I'm channel-surfing and I see "Smokey and the Bandit" on, I always (to the annoyance of my wife) stop and watch it. When SatBII is on, I watch it out of curiosity. Curious as in watching old dried paint peeling off a wall.(did the writers eat paint chips as children?) As far as a chase movie centered around the health and well being of an elephant...save it. Next time call a Vet!
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