Review of Pilot

Endeavour: Pilot (2012)
Season 1, Episode 0
Quality drama from ITV for a change !
2 January 2012
I was a massive fan of Morse and was both excited and dreading this at the same time. Quit simply, excitement won !

I truly hope that ITV make this one off drama into a series, it was wonderfully acted (great performances from both Shaun Evans and Roger Allum), well scripted and was of course set in Oxford the home of Morse. I won't spoil the story for people that haven't seen it but suffice to say (as is usual in most Morse episodes) the culprit isn't any of the usual suspects.

All of the supporting cast play their parts well but Evans and Allum really do shine and seem to have that on screen chemistry that worked so well for John Thaw and Kevin Whately. I'm already planning to watch this again later on in the week as I'm sure I've missed some of the subtle nuances and twists that made Morse so great to watch.

Well done ITV, finally you're matching the BBC for quality drama instead of dreary reality and talent shows.
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