Review of Night Club

Night Club (II) (1989)
80 minutes of nothing!
3 January 2012
In the mid 1980s, Crown International Pictures all but stopped acquiring and releasing new product. "Night Club" is one of the few movies they've handled since then, and after watching it I have no idea why they thought it was worth the effort, unless they were looking for some kind of tax write-off. This is real minimalist filmmaking - 90% of the movie focuses on the few actors talking boring stuff in an old warehouse. There is almost no plot to be found, with the movie instead spinning its wheels again and again. Technically it's often shabby as well, with some poorly recorded audio that no one thought should be looped in the editing room. The movie does boast a number of scenes of extremely gratuitous nudity and sex, but even that gets boring quick. Although made in 1989, the movie only seems to have been released to the public a few years ago - it's easy to see why.
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