The Godmother (2011)
An entertaining, non-European kind of Romanian comedy
4 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I usually don't write reviews for IMDb, but this time I thought that the film was punished for being different. It doesn't get the humor from the traditional Romanian comedies (self-pitiful, based on the consequences of undergoing a totalitarian regime) but from the traditional romantic (as the genre) American comedy: given an extraordinary context, a bold hero finds an exit through unconventional means, being betrayed near the end by the most trustful companion. On the plus side, the film is entertaining and has a fresh, commercial image, being at par with most of recent American comedies, loosing the cheap, low-budget, "let's compromise here" feeling. I think you will find some of the scenes although predictable, quite enjoyable, and the American-style happy ending.

On the minus side, I think the plot was thin and the action predictable. A true American writer would have worked a little more on the trigger event and the twist before the conclusion. Probably would have speculate more the Romanian context: corruption, organized crime, police inefficiency. Anyway, if you search (as i often do) a light comedy to clear your mind after a rough day at work, "The Godmother" is as good as any other typical American comedy.
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