The Notebook (2004)
Simply stunning
6 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
There are 101 pages of reviews of this film, so why write another one??

Well cause its Jan 2012, and tonight a fourteen year old girl sat with her dad and watched this film for the first time. She isn't a 'cryer' as such, in fact she hardly ever cry's whilst watching films, this one she did. More than that, when I asked what she thought she simply put her hand to her throat and mumbled the words... 'hard to breathe'! This film will leave you finding it hard to breathe.. it's simply that good. Ryan and Racheal are good.. but for me young Mr Garner steals the show.. he is what makes the film for me.. his reading of the story is breathtaking.. and there is one line that has stayed with me since the very first time I heard it... "well thanks doc, you know what they say, science goes only so far, and then comes God.."

If you haven't seen this film yet please, please take the time... my little girl was stunned by how good it was and she is very critical at times.

As for me.... twentieth time of watching.. and dad still cried at the end..
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